To make comments move with cells in a filtered table on excel VBA -

i have table filters created using vba several comments. comments important , there huge amount of data on it. trying find way avoid error messages when filters applied. know if loop trough entire column , set comment.shape.placement = xlmoveandsize cells should work, there way select entire range this?

mastersheet.columns(columnextension).comment.shape.placement = xlmoveandsize 

i tried in context:

'final formating -----------------------------------------------  mastersheet.activate mastersheet.columns(columnextension).font.size = 12 mastersheet.columns(columnextension).font.bold = true mastersheet.columns(columnextension).numberformat = "0" mastersheet.columns(columnextension).horizontalalignment = xlcenter  activesheet.usedrange.specialcells _ (xlcelltypecomments).comment.shape.placement = xlmoveandsize  mastersheet.columns.autofit 

i not find way @ once looking wrote loop, works, but...

'// change each comment "move , size cells" each cellcomment in activesheet.comments      cellcomment.shape.placement = xlmoveandsize next cellcomment 

it might useful someone..
