Java code for Graph and its demands -

i need write graph nodes v={1,2,3,4,5,6,7} , edges e={(1-2),(2-3), (3,4),(4-7), (3-6), (2-6), (5-6), (1-5)} , demands d=(s,d)={(1-3),(2-3), (4-5). (7-7), (6-4),(2-7)} path exact source destination small network. how can write in java? can me please?

extracting out nouns see need vertices/node class, edge class , demand class. beginning of solution. have graph or network class consists of list of nodes, list of edges , list of demands. need decide put processing methods use nodes, edges , demands.

> node consist of integer.  > edge consist of 2 nodes  > , on 

here example

public class node {    private int nodenumber; } 
