i trying add object bookstore , list of objects of book list of objects. getting following exception:
15 jul, 2013 4:47:07 pm com.sun.jersey.spi.container.containerresponse logexception severe: mapped exception response: 500 (internal server error) javax.ws.rs.webapplicationexception: javax.xml.bind.marshalexception - linked exception: [javax.xml.bind.jaxbexception: class java.util.arraylist nor of super class known context.] @ com.sun.jersey.core.provider.jaxb.abstractrootelementprovider.writeto(abstractrootelementprovider.java:159) @ com.sun.jersey.spi.container.containerresponse.write(containerresponse.java:306)
this class:
@get @path("/get") @produces(mediatype.application_xml) public responselist addobjects() { bookstore bookstore = new bookstore(); bookstore.setname("bookstore"); bookstore.setlocation("book palace"); book book1 = new book(); book1.setname("book2"); book1.setauthor("author2"); book book2 = new book(); book2.setname("book3"); book2.setauthor("author3"); arraylist<book> blist = new arraylist<book>(); blist.add(book1); blist.add(book2); arraylist<object> list = new arraylist<object>(); list.add(bookstore); list.addall(blist); responselist books = new responselist(); books.setlist(list); system.out.println("returning books : " +books); return books; }
when printing books object (see second last line of program), getting following output:
returning books : responselist [list=[[book [name=book2, author=author2], book [name=book3, author=author3]]]]
but, when trying take output using rest client getting error. rest client:
public class test { public static void main(string[] args) { clientconfig config = new defaultclientconfig(); client client = client.create(config); webresource service = client.resource(getbaseuri()); responselist responselist = service.path("rest").path("bookmain/get").accept(mediatype.application_xml).get(responselist.class); bookstore bs = (bookstore) responselist.getlist().get(0); arraylist<book> lb = (arraylist<book>) responselist.getlist().get(1); }
please ?
this responselist class:
@xmlrootelement @xmlseealso({bookstore.class,book.class}) public class responselist { private list<object> list; public list<object> getlist() { return list; } public void setlist(list<object> list) { this.list = list; } }
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