calling expect script inside a while loop of shell script -

i trying automate password-less ssh setup master account other slave accounts.i have script named addssh.ksh setup.when script run manually,it asks same password same times,it copied keys using scp. slave accounts saved in file now, have shell script(run.ksh) reads accounts file(env.txt) 1 one , uses expect script auto_ssh.ksh handle interaction , enters password accordingly.


account1@machine1 account2@machine2 account3@machine3 account4@machine4 


#!/usr/bin/ksh  while read env  username=`echo $env | cut -d"@" -f1`; hostname=`echo $env | cut -d"@" -f2`; password='unix_11' ssh -n -o passwordauthentication=no ${env} ' ' 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ];         printf "\nconnection ok : $env \n" else         expect auto_ssh.ksh $username $hostname $password fi done<env.txt 


#!expect set timeout 6 set user [lindex $argv 0] set machine [lindex $argv 1] set password [lindex $argv 2] spawn addssh.ksh $user $machine expect "password:" send "$password\r"; expect "password:" send "$password\r"; interact 

if run script auto_ssh.ksh like

./auto_ssh.ksh account1 machine1 password 

it runs fine when call inside shell script,this expect script exits @ second password.when ran shell script in debug mode, see instead of sending password second time moves reading next env env.txt , exits.

this line of output in debug mode fails.

account1@machine1's password: + read env 

add exp_internal 1 expect script additional debugging. suspect might need refine expect: expect -re {password:\s*$}

if don't need interact addssh.ksh, change interact expect eof

why expect script have ".ksh" extension?
