so output attributes csv, i'm using stringbuilder
uses commas natural delimiter commas. problem when add string commas inside in string, it's splitting separate columns me. ex
giving me 3 separate columns. how output single column commas intact.
it's result of capture group
match = regex.match(amt, "^\"([\\d,]+),(\\d\\d\\d)\"$");
and did
amt = convert.tostring(match.groups[1].value) + convert.tostring(match.groups[2].value);
so takes in 123,123,123,123 unknown number of commas , want output exact same thing last commas replaced period. it's still coming out
123 123 123 123 123
in separate columns
you need wrap entry in quote
updated after redited question
from saying wish convert 123,445,567,890
, want csv output work:
you still need wrap result in quotes need
amt = string.format("\"{0}.{1}\"", match.groups[1].value, match.groups[2].value);
alternatively replace last ','
amt = new regex(",(?=\\d{3}\"$)").replace(x,".");
or without regex.
char[] y = amt.tochararray(); y[amt.lastindexof(",")] = '.'; amt = string(y);
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