i need save ordereddictionary nsuserdefaults.
i read here , in many other posts how it:
-(id)initwithcoder:(nscoder *)decoder{ if (self != nil){ dictionary = [decoder decodeobjectforkey:@"dictionary"]; array = [decoder decodeobjectforkey:@"array"]; } return self; } -(void)encodewithcoder:(nscoder *)encoder{ [encoder encodeobject: dictionary forkey:@"dictionary"]; [encoder encodeobject: array forkey:@"array"]; }
i call this:
ordereddictionary *od = [ordereddictionary dictionarywithdictionary:[businessinfo objectforkey:@"allowedstates"]]; nsdata *archivedobject = [nskeyedarchiver archiveddatawithrootobject:od]; nsuserdefaults *defaults = [nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults]; [defaults setobject:archivedobject forkey:@"allowedstates"]; [defaults synchronize];
and unarchive this:
nsuserdefaults *defaults = [nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults]; nsdata *archivedobject = [defaults objectforkey:@"allowedstates"]; ordereddictionary *countrystates = (ordereddictionary *)[nskeyedunarchiver unarchiveobjectwithdata:archivedobject];
i see archivedobject
not empty, countrystates
empty, although when save it's not empty.
how it?
how can archive ordereddictionary
the method initwithcoder being called, not encodewithcoder
please refer below link, may proper solution.
encodewithcoder not called in derived class of nsmutabledictionary
good luck !!!!
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