junit - Ignoring Android unit tests depending on SDK level -

is there annotation or other convenient way ignore junit tests specific android sdk versions? there similar lint annotation targetapi(x)? or manually have check whether run test using build.version?

i don't think there ready pretty easy create custom annotation this.

create custom annotation

@target( elementtype.method ) @retention( retentionpolicy.runtime) public @interface targetapi {     int value(); } 

ovverride test runner (that check value , ignore/fire test)

public class conditionaltestrunner extends blockjunit4classrunner {     public conditionaltestrunner(class klass) throws initializationerror {         super(klass);     }      @override     public void runchild(frameworkmethod method, runnotifier notifier) {         targetapi condition = method.getannotation(targetapi.class);         if(condition.value() > 10) {             notifier.firetestignored(describechild(method));         } else {             super.runchild(method, notifier);         }     } } 

and mark tests

@runwith(conditionaltestrunner.class) public class testclass {      @test     @targetapi(6)     public void testmethodthatrunsconditionally() {         system.out.print("test me!");     } } 

just tested, works me. :)

credits to: conditionally ignoring junit tests
