populate sheet A from sheet B - excel VBA -

i have following scenario: have 2 worksheets raw , bom. populate bom sheet raw components.

for example in bom worksheet have vxl5-50 (highlighted in yellow). component, search sheet1--> 'connector type' column , if string exists. if does, increment 1 in qty column in bom worksheet

here 2 sheets raw , bom



sub test()  dim rng range  dim dblrow double  'shtsearch,shtcoutn sheet names.    lastrow = shtsearch.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row    j = 0  = 1 lastrow     if instr(1, shtsearch.cells(i, 1), "abcd", vbtextcompare) > 0     'count search         j = j + 1     end if next  set scrrng = shtcount.range("a:a")  set rng = scrrng.find(what:="abcd", after:=activecell, lookin:=xlformulas, lookat _         :=xlpart, searchorder:=xlbyrows, searchdirection:=xlnext, matchcase:= _         false, searchformat:=false)  dblrow = mid(rng.address, 4, len(rng.address) - 3)  shtcount.cells(dblrow, 2) = j  end sub 

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you can modify above code , use other criteria.
