logging - How do I visualise my git repo properly? -

i'm making commits , using branches in remote git repo. but, whenever use:

git log --graph --pretty=format:'%cred%h%creset -%c(yellow)%d%creset %s %cgreen(%cr) %c(bold blue)<%an>%creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative 

it shows commit history in single line - no branches, despite branches being named 'origin/api', 'origin/dev' , 'origin/master'.

a screenshot of terminal output

if have @ showing git branch structure (where got command from) screenshot shows 'branches' , 'merges'

can guys me? wish view repo in tree fashion (helps me visualise better) rather beanstalk...

from original poster:

if have @ showing git branch structure (where got command from) screenshot shows 'branches' , 'merges'

screenshot of other log output merge commits

if want see divergent branches in log output, have have merge commits. haven't done non-fast-forward merges yet (which produce merge commits), you're seeing indeed of branches, master upstream parent of dev, , dev upstream parent of api.

original poster's log output

you'll start seeing merge commits if non-fast-forward merge of api dev branch, example:

# dev branch $ git merge --no-ff api  $ git log --oneline --graph --decorate * 419eadf (head, dev, api) |\  | * 1b6ebed api used |/  * 51464fc dev used | * asdfhsdf (master) 
