javascript - using RequireJS for loading the jQuery Mobile bower component -

i'm developing test web app. i'm using

  • requirejs
  • backbone
  • lodash
  • bower

i'd use jquery mobile too, i've installed typing

bower install jquery-mobile --save 

now have jqm project in default "bower-components" folder.

after then, i've added jqm path in requirejs config section

requirejs.config({     baseurl: '../scripts/app',     paths: {         jquery: '../../bower_components/jquery/jquery.min',         jquerymobile: '../../bower_components/jquery-mobile/js/',         underscore: '../../bower_components/lodash/lodash',         backbone: '../../bower_components/backbone/backbone',         text: '../../bower_components/requirejs-text/text',     },     shim: {         backbone: {             deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],             exports: 'backbone'         }     } }); 

here loaded

now, when launch app, requirejs tries load jqm submodules (defined in previous linked file) app root "app" , not jqm module path "bower_components".

what missing?
