command line - SETLOCAL on PATH environment variable does not work -

i have batch file needs have different path environment variable rest of machine. after bit of googling, using "setlocal" should change variable in batch script, , ends chnaged back, script is:

setlocal set path="c:\qt\4.8.1\bin;"  qmake 

and output:

'qmake' not recognized internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 

even though qmake @ path "c:\qt\4.8.1\bin\qmake.exe", , ruinning


from command line works fine. ideas?

try this:

set path="c:\qt\4.8.1\bin" 

but better:

set "path=%path%;c:\qt\4.8.1\bin" 

if set path set "c:\qt\4.8.1\bin;" semi colon included in path part of valid folder name.
