iphone - Strange crash using UITableView -

i have 2 different uiviewcontrollers.

the first one has got nsmutablearray of subscriptions loads in uitableview.

the second controller operations , in part of code reload subscriptions.

when open first controller use viewdidappear method reload table data (subscriptions). during operation sometime app crashes. think because reload table when in background list of subscriptions changing.

is there way reload on fly table , let user scroll table , in meantime reload it?

more info error

uncaught exception: *** -[__nsarraym objectatindex:]: index 3 beyond bounds [0 .. 2] 

there 2 subscriptions present... tableview try access index 3

more info error

call tableview reload method when loading of list of subscriptions finished. if using separate class load subscription, can use delegate inform main view controller loading of subscription finished. else can use nsnotificationcenter.
