i wondered how google input tool windows running.. while dragging little google popup window (which gives language suggestions), notepad won't lost focus...
i tried same style of window which,
- floats on top on other windows.
- applied drop shadow.
- gets text caret position window , moved dynamically cursor.
now problem is, when click , drag window, notepad / application loses focus , current focus on little popup window.
but google input tool
, while dragging it, notepad won't loses focus..
here, want achieve floating popup window must not have focus .. , target application should not lose focus while touching popup window..
what windows vb6 api used achieve this..
thank watching.... :-)
here windows api code (put in module)
option explicit public const swp_nomove = 2 public const swp_nosize = 1 public const flags = swp_nomove or swp_nosize public const hwnd_topmost = -1 public const hwnd_notopmost = -2 declare function setwindowpos lib "user32" alias "setwindowpos" _ (byval hwnd long, _ byval hwndinsertafter long, _ byval x long, _ byval y long, _ byval cx long, _ byval cy long, _ byval wflags long ) long public function settopmostwindow(hwnd long, topmost boolean) _ long if topmost = true 'make window topmost settopmostwindow = setwindowpos(hwnd, hwnd_topmost, 0, 0, 0, _ 0, flags) else settopmostwindow = setwindowpos(hwnd, hwnd_notopmost, 0, 0, _ 0, 0,flags) settopmostwindow = false end if end function
in usage, set form1 topmost:
settopmostwindow form1.hwnd, true
(from first result when googling vb6 window topmost, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/184297)
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