i have custom jsf component renderer renders pagination component datatables, hasn't ajax behavior . learned done inserting ajax encode method or making support of f ajax tag. unfortunately i'm not familiar ajax, please tell me how should modify code make ajaxable?
@facesrenderer(componentfamily="javax.faces.command", renderertype="com.component.pager")
public class pagerrenderer extends renderer {
private static final int show_pages = 3; private static final string hidden_field_id ="tableformpaginatorinput"; public void encodebegin(facescontext context, uicomponent component) throws ioexception { clientbehaviorcontext behaviorcontext = clientbehaviorcontext.createclientbehaviorcontext(context, component, "click", component.getclientid(context), null); string id = component.getclientid(context); uicomponent parent = component; while (!(parent instanceof uiform)) parent = parent.getparent(); string formid = parent.getclientid(context); responsewriter writer = context.getresponsewriter(); writer.startelement("div", component); writer.writeattribute("class", "paginator-section", null); string styleclass = (string) component.getattributes().get("styleclass"); string selectedstyleclass = (string) component.getattributes().get("selectedstyleclass"); string datatableid = (string) component.getattributes().get("datatableid"); // find component given id uidata data = (uidata) component.findcomponent(datatableid); int first = data.getfirst(); int itemcount = data.getrowcount(); int pagesize = data.getrows(); if (pagesize <= 0) pagesize = itemcount; int pages = itemcount / pagesize; if (itemcount % pagesize != 0) pages++; int currentpage = first / pagesize; if (first >= itemcount - pagesize) currentpage = pages - 1; int startpage = 0; int endpage = pages; if (show_pages > 0) { startpage = (currentpage / show_pages ) * show_pages ; endpage = math.min(startpage + show_pages , pages); } if (currentpage > 0) writelink(writer, component, formid, id, "<", styleclass); if (startpage > 0) writelink(writer, component, formid, id, "..", styleclass); (int = startpage; < endpage; i++) { writelink(writer, component, formid, id, "" + (i + 1), == currentpage ? selectedstyleclass : styleclass); } if (endpage < pages) writelink(writer, component, formid, id, "...", styleclass); if (first < itemcount - pagesize) writelink(writer, component, formid, id, ">", styleclass); /* commandbutton commandbutton = new commandbutton(); commandbutton.setvalue(currentpage); commandbutton.setupdate(""); commandbutton.setajax(true); commandbutton.addactionlistener(new myactionlistener()); commandbutton.encodeall(context);*/ writer.endelement("div"); // hidden field hold result writehiddenfield(writer, component, id); } private void writelink(responsewriter writer, uicomponent component, string formid, string id, string value, string styleclass) throws ioexception { writer.writetext(" ", null); writer.startelement("a", component); writer.writeattribute("href", "#", null); writer.writeattribute("onclick", onclickcode(formid, id, value) , null); if (styleclass != null) writer.writeattribute("class", styleclass, "styleclass"); writer.writetext(value, null); writer.endelement("a"); } private void writelink1(responsewriter writer, uicomponent component, string formid, string id, string value, string styleclass) throws ioexception { writer.writetext(" ", null); writer.startelement("a", component); writer.writeattribute("href", "#", null); writer.writeattribute("data-tableformpaginator", value, null); if (styleclass != null) writer.writeattribute("class", styleclass, "styleclass"); writer.writetext(value, null); writer.endelement("a"); } private string onclickcode(string formid, string id, string value) { return new stringbuilder().append("document.forms['") .append(formid).append("']['") .append(id).append("'].value='").append(value).append("'; document.forms['") .append(formid).append("'].submit(); return false;").tostring(); } private string onclickcodewithout(string formid, string id, string value,uicomponent component) { return "jsf.ajax.request('" + component.getclientid() + "', null, {'render': '" + component.getparent().getclientid() + "',"+id+":"+value+" })"; } private void writehiddenfield(responsewriter writer, uicomponent component, string id) throws ioexception { writer.startelement("input", component); writer.writeattribute("id", hidden_field_id, null); writer.writeattribute("class", "paginator-input-value", null); writer.writeattribute("type", "hidden", null); writer.writeattribute("name", id, null); writer.endelement("input"); } public void decode(facescontext context, uicomponent component) { string id = component.getclientid(context); map<string, string> parameters = context.getexternalcontext().getrequestparametermap(); string response = (string) parameters.get(id); if (response == null || response.equals("")) return; string datatableid = (string) component.getattributes().get("datatableid"); int showpages = show_pages ;//toint(component.getattributes().get("showpages")); uidata data = (uidata) component.findcomponent(datatableid); int first = data.getfirst(); int itemcount = data.getrowcount(); int pagesize = data.getrows(); if (pagesize <= 0) pagesize = itemcount; if (response.equals("<")) first -= pagesize; else if (response.equals(">")) first += pagesize; else if (response.equals("..")) first -= pagesize * showpages; else if (response.equals("...")) first += pagesize * showpages; else { int page = integer.parseint(response); first = (page - 1) * pagesize; } if (first + pagesize > itemcount) first = itemcount - pagesize; if (first < 0) first = 0; data.setfirst(first); } private static int toint(object value) { if (value == null) return 0; if (value instanceof number) return ((number) value).intvalue(); if (value instanceof string) return integer.parseint((string) value); throw new illegalargumentexception("cannot convert " + value); }
tag can directly nested in uicomponent implements clientbehaviorholder interface.
i saw try implement onclick table, if using mojarra, has utils method you render onclick behavior work f:ajax renderselectonclick
you can use inside encode method
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