javascript - Using Modernizr.prefixed in jQuery .animate -

i'm not jquery syntax php thing.

i'm trying produce jquery animation correct vendor prefixes on multiple values, understanding of usage of modernizr.prefixed letting me down.

what i'm trying like:

    $('.rightbox3d').animate({         opacity: 1         ,top:"60px"         ,modernizr.prefixed('transform'):"translatey(-200px)"         ,modernizr.prefixed('scale'):2     }, 4000); 

ie. want include vendor prefixes in list of styles animated, syntax error - unexpected token.

i have tried using var transformproperty = modernizr.prefixed ? modernizr.prefixed('transform') : 'transform'; allows listing 1 style ie: $(".rightbox3d").animate(transformproperty,"translatey(-200px)"); when want multiple styles transform, opacity, scale etc.

i notice that line of code doesn't have brace brackets around transformproperty part, whereas list eg. $('.rightbox3d').animate({ opacity: 1 ,top:"-200px" }, 4000, function() { // animation complete. });

but can't head round it. can help?

so, you're going have make big head leap. css transitions different jquery.animate.

here's intro on matter.

so, first let's recognize can't same things anymore

if (!modernizr.csstransitions || modernizr.csstransforms3d) {    // use css } else {    // use jquery } 

now, let's fill in example

if (!modernizr.csstransitions || !modernizr.csstransforms3d) {   // old jquery version   $('.rightbox3d').animate({     opacity: 1,     top: "-200px",     width: 2 * $('.rightbox3d').width(),     height: 2 * $('.rightbox3d').height()   }, 4000); } else {   // modern cool version   // transform moving/rotating/stretching want   // transition animation want   $('.rightbox3d').css({     opacity: 1,     transform: 'translatey(-200px) scale(2)',     transition: 'all 4000ms ease-in-out'   }); } 

i think should clear you. :)
