java - Not able to run the examples of HBase-The definitive guide -

i've been trying run examples hbase-the definitve guide , i've been encountering error , i'm not able past it. i'm running in stand alone mode if helps.

exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.hbase.masternotrunningexception: � 17136@ubuntulocalhost,32992,1373877731444 @    org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.hconnectionmanager$hconnectionimplementation.getmaster( @ org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.hbaseadmin.<init>(   @ util.hbasehelper.<init>(   @ util.hbasehelper.gethelper(   @ client.putexample.main(   

but hmaster process running:

hduser@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/hbase-book/ch03$ jps 17602 jps 8709 namenode 8929 datanode 9472 tasktracker 9252 jobtracker 9172 secondarynamenode 17136 hmaster 

this hbase-site.xml file:

<configuration>   <property>   <name>hbase.rootdir</name>   <value>file:///usr/local/hbase/hbase-data/</value>   </property>   <property>   <name></name>   <value>/usr/local/hbase/zookeeper-data/</value>   

/etc/hosts file:       localhost       ubuntu       ubuntu.ubuntu-domain ubuntu 

specifically, i'm trying run 3rd chapter examples , i'm not understanding why setup not running..

any idea i'm going wrong?

edit: here logs:

2013-07-15 03:56:32,663 info org.apache.zookeeper.server.nioservercnxnfactory: accepted socket connection / 2013-07-15 03:56:32,672 warn org.apache.zookeeper.server.zookeeperserver: connection request old client /; dropped if server in r-o mode 2013-07-15 03:56:32,672 info org.apache.zookeeper.server.zookeeperserver: client attempting establish new session @ / 2013-07-15 03:56:32,674 info org.apache.zookeeper.server.zookeeperserver: established session 0x13fe17e7f1d0006 negotiated timeout 40000 client / 2013-07-15 03:57:11,653 debug stats: total=1.17 mb, free=247.24 mb, max=248.41 mb, blocks=2, accesses=68, hits=55, hitratio=80.88%, , cachingaccesses=61, cachinghits=53, cachinghitsratio=86.88%, , evictions=0, evicted=6, evictedperrun=infinity 2013-07-15 03:57:14,333 warn org.apache.zookeeper.server.nioservercnxn: caught end of stream exception endofstreamexception: unable read additional data client sessionid 0x13fe17e7f1d0006, client has closed socket @ org.apache.zookeeper.server.nioservercnxn.doio( @ @ 2013-07-15 03:57:14,334 info org.apache.zookeeper.server.nioservercnxn: closed socket connection client / had sessionid 0x13fe17e7f1d0006 2013-07-15 03:57:24,551 info org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.loadbalancer: skipping load balancing because balanced cluster; servers=1 regions=1 average=1.0 mostloaded=1 leastloaded=1 2013-07-15 03:57:24,568 debug org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.metascanner: scanning .meta. starting @ row= max=2147483647 rows using org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.hconnectionmanager$hconnectionimplementation@189ddf 2013-07-15 03:57:24,578 debug org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.catalogjanitor: scanned 1 catalog row(s) , gc'd 0 unreferenced parent region(s) 

it has nothing standalone or distributed mode. make sure setup working fine. can see regionserver , zookeeper not running. comment out line ubuntu in /etc/hosts file , restart hbase. might have kill it.

p.s : since have hadoop configured , running fine, can run hbase in pseudo-distributed setup.
