arrays - How does matlab interpet colon notation with vectors (ex. '(2:3):2:10')? -

is equivalent 2:2:10 ignoring vector, or have further application?

i wanted created array consisting of multiple numbers [2,3,4,6,8,9,10], surprisingly (2:3):2:10 has returned [2,4,6,8,10].

as answered nick, wrote interpreted matlab


i.e., 3 of first nested sequence ignored.

what think wanted accomplish union of 2 separate sequences:

>> union(2:2:10, 3:3:10) ans =     2     3     4     6     8     9    10 

more generally,

n = 100;  c = arrayfun(@(x)x+x:x:n, 2:n, 'uniformoutput', false); unique([c{:}]) 
