Excel 2007 VBA MATCH function is not finding a match, but a match does exist in that range? -

in excel 2007 vba - match statement below not finding text. there, , in specified range. i'm not getting unusual errors. it's not being found. here full text in cell az65- more items related "cricut shoulder bag"

if not iserror(application.match("more items related to*", range("az1:ba1000"))) removesomerows = application.match("more items related to*", range("az1:ba1000")) range("az" & removesomerows & ":" & "bz1000").clearcontents end if 

on worksheet isn't working

=match("more items related to*",az1:ba1000) 

you must use matchtype of 0 use wild card characters (* or ?) see: http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/match-function-hp010062414.aspx

use application.match("more items related to*", range("az1:az1000"), 0)
