python - urllib - Updating from Python2 to Python3 -

i've tried adapt the following script. i've obtained what's followed.

#!/usr/bin/python3  import re import csv  import urllib.request, urllib.parse  class spreadsheet(object):     def __init__(self, key):         super(spreadsheet, self).__init__()         self.key = key  class client(object):     def __init__(self, email, password):         super(client, self).__init__() = email         self.password = password      def _get_auth_token(self, email, password, source, service):         url = ""         params = {             "email": email, "passwd": password,             "service": service,             "accounttype": "hosted_or_google",             "source": source         }         req = urllib.request.request(url, urllib.parse.urlencode(params))         return re.findall(r"auth=(.*)", urllib.request.urlopen(req).read())[0]      def get_auth_token(self):         source = type(self).__name__         return self._get_auth_token(, self.password, source, service="wise")      def download(self, spreadsheet, gid=0, format="csv"):         url_format = ""         headers = {             "authorization": "googlelogin auth=" + self.get_auth_token(),             "gdata-version": "3.0"         }         req = urllib.request.request(url_format % (spreadsheet.key, format, gid), headers=headers)         return urllib.request.urlopen(req)  if __name__ == "__main__":     email = "xxx" # (your email here)     password = "yyyy"     spreadsheet_id = "zzz" # (spreadsheet id here)      # create client , spreadsheet objects     gs = client(email, password)     ss = spreadsheet(spreadsheet_id)      # request file-like object containing spreadsheet's contents     print( 

my problem have following error.

traceback (most recent call last):   file "/users/", line 54, in <module>     print(   file "/users/", line 38, in download     "authorization": "googlelogin auth=" + self.get_auth_token(),   file "/users/", line 33, in get_auth_token     return self._get_auth_token(, self.password, source, service="wise")   file "/users/", line 29, in _get_auth_token     return re.findall(r"auth=(.*)", urllib.request.urlopen(req).read())[0]   file "/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/3.2/lib/python3.2/urllib/", line 138, in urlopen     return, data, timeout)   file "/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/3.2/lib/python3.2/urllib/", line 364, in open     req = meth(req)   file "/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/3.2/lib/python3.2/urllib/", line 1052, in do_request_     raise typeerror("post data should bytes" typeerror: post data should bytes or iterable of bytes. cannot str. 

the troubles come urllib.request.urlopen(req) in method _get_auth_token. there way fix ?

yes, encode data bytes before posting:

req = urllib.request.request(url, urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode('ascii')) 

i'm assuming here data ascii-only (email addresses are, presumably password too).
