unfortunately there bug in app can't reproduce user's can see it. logging software unfortunately gives me work with.
this occurs when user logs in dosn't give me clues why occurs.
primary thread thread 0
0 ukash 0x000ce446 testflight_backtrace + 382 1 ukash 0x000cf094 tfsignalhandler + 264 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394c9e92 _sigtramp + 42 3 ukash 0x00137fe4 clssignalhandler + 196 4 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394c9e92 _sigtramp + 42 5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394c0122 pthread_kill + 58 6 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394fc972 abort + 94 7 libc++abi.dylib 0x38a9ad4e abort_message + 74 8 libc++abi.dylib 0x38a97ff8 _zl17default_terminatev + 24 9 libobjc.a.dylib 0x3904ba76 _zl15_objc_terminatev + 146 10 libc++abi.dylib 0x38a9807a _zl19safe_handler_callerpfvve + 78 11 libc++abi.dylib 0x38a98113 _zst9terminatev + 19 12 libc++abi.dylib 0x38a99598 __cxa_current_exception_type + 0 13 libobjc.a.dylib 0x3904b9d0 objc_exception_rethrow + 12 14 corefoundation 0x31269f20 cfrunlooprunspecific + 456 15 corefoundation 0x31269d48 cfrunloopruninmode + 104 16 graphicsservices 0x34e422ea gseventrunmodal + 74 17 uikit 0x3317f300 uiapplicationmain + 1120 18 ukash 0x0008065a main (main.m:17) 19 libdyld.dylib 0x39482b1f start + 3 hide other threads com.crashlytics.machexceptionserver 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a2310 _pthread_start + 308 1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a21d7 thread_start + 7 com.apple.nsurlconnectionloader 0 corefoundation 0x312f6da2 __cfrunlooprun + 882 1 corefoundation 0x31269ebc cfrunlooprunspecific + 356 2 corefoundation 0x31269d48 cfrunloopruninmode + 104 3 foundation 0x31bb63d4 +[nsurlconnection(loader) _resourceloadloop:] + 308 4 foundation 0x31c39e84 __nsthread__main__ + 972 5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a2310 _pthread_start + 308 6 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a21d7 thread_start + 7 com.apple.cfsocket.private 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a21d7 thread_start + 7 thread 13 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394978a3 start_wqthread + 7 thread 10 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394978a3 start_wqthread + 7 thread 11 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394978a3 start_wqthread + 7 thread 14 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394978a3 start_wqthread + 7 webthread 0 corefoundation 0x312f6da2 __cfrunlooprun + 882 1 corefoundation 0x31269ebc cfrunlooprunspecific + 356 2 corefoundation 0x31269d48 cfrunloopruninmode + 104 3 webcore 0x3727d504 _zl12runwebthreadpv + 444 4 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a2310 _pthread_start + 308 5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a21d7 thread_start + 7 thread 8 0 corefoundation 0x312f6da2 __cfrunlooprun + 882 1 corefoundation 0x31269ebc cfrunlooprunspecific + 356 2 corefoundation 0x31269d48 cfrunloopruninmode + 104 3 foundation 0x31b8cf96 -[nsrunloop(nsrunloop) runmode:beforedate:] + 254 4 foundation 0x31c30864 -[nsrunloop(nsrunloop) run] + 80 5 ukash 0x0008d8c8 +[afurlconnectionoperation networkrequestthreadentrypoint:] (afurlconnectionoperation.m:151) 6 foundation 0x31c39e84 __nsthread__main__ + 972 7 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a2310 _pthread_start + 308 8 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a21d7 thread_start + 7 thread 9 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394978a3 start_wqthread + 7 thread 12 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394978a3 start_wqthread + 7 thread 1 0 0xffffffff 0xffffffff thread 4 0 corefoundation 0x312f6da2 __cfrunlooprun + 882 1 corefoundation 0x31269ebc cfrunlooprunspecific + 356 2 corefoundation 0x31269d48 cfrunloopruninmode + 104 3 foundation 0x31b8cf96 -[nsrunloop(nsrunloop) runmode:beforedate:] + 254 4 foundation 0x31c30864 -[nsrunloop(nsrunloop) run] + 80 5 ukash 0x000e468c -[tfnetworkmanager networkrunloopthreadentry] + 124 6 foundation 0x31c39e84 __nsthread__main__ + 972 7 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a2310 _pthread_start + 308 8 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a21d7 thread_start + 7 thread 7 0 corefoundation 0x312f6da2 __cfrunlooprun + 882 1 corefoundation 0x31269ebc cfrunlooprunspecific + 356 2 corefoundation 0x312c89ba cfrunlooprun + 98 3 ukash 0x00102802 +[ua_asihttprequest runrequests] (ua_asihttprequest.m:4794) 4 foundation 0x31c39e84 __nsthread__main__ + 972 5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a2310 _pthread_start + 308 6 libsystem_c.dylib 0x394a21d7 thread_start + 7 load address 0x0007f000 register values cpsr: 16 exception: 0 far: 950698525 fsr: 7 lr: 1277925 pc: 961841208 r0: 0 r1: 0 r10: 9 r11: 2145364 r12: 37 r2: 1 r3: 989958088 r4: 802691172 r5: 0 r6: 802691236 r7: 802691140 r8: 6 r9: 989915304 sp: 802691112
it looks have both testflight , crashlytics crash handlers in app.
if aren't getting information out of testflight, check crashlytics account better crash reports. in our experience crash reports crashlytics unhelpful stack traces testflight when have both sdks active, , crashlytics initialized last.
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