i've google maps setup, data coming mysql backend , i'm storing in encoded string. can display data in map properly, can't provide external link.
(x = 0; x < stringarray.length; x = x + 1) { var addressdetails = []; var marker; //separate each field addressdetails = stringarray[x].split("&&&"); //load lat, long data var lat = new google.maps.latlng(addressdetails[1], addressdetails[2]); //create new marker , info window var y = x+1; marker = new google.maps.marker({ map: map, position: lat, content: addressdetails[0], icon: 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chst=d_map_pin_letter&chld='+y+'|ff0000|000000' }); //pushing markers array it's easier manage them markersarray.push(marker); google.maps.event.addlistener( marker, 'click', function () { closeinfos(); var info = new google.maps.infowindow({content: this.content}); //on click map load info window info.open(map,this); infos[0]=info; }); //extends boundaries of map include new location bounds.extend(lat); } //takes lat, longs in bounds variable , autosizes map map.fitbounds(bounds);
and code external click.
function myclick(i) { google.maps.event.trigger(markersarray[i], "click"); }
the error i'm getting is: "uncaught referenceerror: myclick not defined"
please guide i've gone wrong?
given way you're trying call myclick
, you'd need attach window
window.myclick = function(i) { console.log('i defined , available in global scope via window!'); }
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