php - I can't load the library i created - Fatal error: Call to undefined function CI -

i created library file named kategori.php somehow can't load library created.

here library code:

class kategori {  public function panggil_kategori($id_jenis) {      $ci =& get_instance();      $ci->load->model('ticketing_model');      $idjenis = $ci->ticketing_model->getone_kategori($id_jenis);      return $idjenis;  } } 

here controller code:

public function browse_ticketing() {     $this->load->library('kategori');     $this->data['data']=$this->ticketing_model->get_all();     $this->data['body']='data_ticketing';     $this->load->view('welcome_ticketing',$this->data); } 

here view code:

<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-hover table-striped" border="1"> <h4>open</h4> <tr>     <th>no</th>     <th>judul</th>     <th>kategori</th>     <th>prioritas</th> </tr> <?php      $no = 1;         foreach($data $row){ ?>  <tr>     <td><?php echo $no++ ?></td>     <td><?php echo $row['judul'] ?></td>      <td><?php echo panggil_kategori($row['id_jenis']); ?></td>      <td><?php echo $row['prioritas'] ?></td>  </tr>  <?php     } ?> 

and here model code :

function getone_kategori($id_jenis)   {  $this->db->select('nama_jenis');         $this->db->where('id_jenis', $id_jenis);          $query = $this->db->get('jenis_user');         return $query->row();   } 

when try run code answer fatal error: call undefined function panggil_kategori() in c:\xampp\htdocs\helpdesk\application\views\data_ticketing.php on line 18..

panggil_kategori() method of class kategori. have create object of class kategori in order use it:

$mykategori = new kategori(); 


$value = $mykategori->panggil_kategori($id); 

i can't see you've instantiated kategori.
