Batch file writes wrong data onto file -

i'm programmer in batch , i've joined site ask 1 question...

i made program writes random numbers 1 10 , encodes/writes them file... problem is, batch file must read numbers , check if it's below 5.

the batch file generates random numbers not inputting random number file; instead, file says

echo off

which confuses other batch file, , therefore crashes.

here's code of both batch files;

the "writer" of numbers

    @echo off >nul     title batch arithmetic communicator     :check     timeout /t 1 >nul /nobreak     echo %t% >>wait.rsm     set /a t=%random% * 10 / 32768 + 1     goto cont      :cont     timeout /t 1 >nul     if exist pack.rsm goto cont2     if not exist pack.rsm goto cont      :cont2     set /p data=<pack.rsm     del pack.rsm     if %data% lss 5 goto move     if %data% gtr 5 goto check  receiver of numbers   @echo off :a timeout /t 1 >nul if exist wait.rsm goto b if not exist wait.rsm goto  :b set /p d=<wait.rsm if %d% gtr 5 goto if %d% lss 5 goto w  :w echo 3>>pack.rsm goto 


your writer echoing %t% before it's setting it:

echo %t% >>wait.rsm set /a t=%random% * 10 / 32768 + 1 

at time of first statement, %t% set nothing it's if said:

echo >>wait.rsm 

which why you're getting echo off, see "naked" echo command.

basically, need set %t before trying echo swap 2 statements around:

set /a t=%random% * 10 / 32768 + 1 echo %t% >>wait.rsm 
