i'm trying return admin if id not found in user table
select * /*both admin & user data */ admin,user admin.id = user.id
i have both admin & user (which use other purposes) pojos. include user within admin , use @primarykeycolumnjoin & @onetoone (optional=false)
openjpa handles correctly whereas hibernate gives npe. know how hibernate?
i know doesn't answer question directly, consider changing model. "admin" role assigned user rather distinct entity, allowing have user play different roles in different scenarios.
@entity @table(name = "user") public class user { @elementcollection @collectiontable(name = "user_role", joincolumns = @joincolumn(name = "user_id")) @column(name = "role") private final set<role> roles = new hashset<>(); } public enum role { general, admin, root }
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