In php my foreach loop with arrays seems to be written wrong but I'm not sure? -

using php, i'm trying prices things listed on webpage. can please me write correctly? i'm pretty sure i'm writing foreach line wrong because of having $listing? i'm not sure if way long parts written correct, put names , prices $name , $price variables?

<?php $all = file_get_contents(''); echo $all; $name = array(); $price = array(); foreach($all $listing) { $name[] = $listing.getelementsbyclassname("listingwrpr").getelementsbytagname("h3").innerhtml; $price[] = $listing.getelementsbyclassname("listingwrpr").getelementsbyclassname("item price").innerhtml; } print_r($name); print_r($price); ?> 

you have use of following alternatives.

  1. simple html dom parser
  2. phpquery
  3. snoopy

these php scripts count table rows can work jquery functions.

i giving example of simple html dom parser.

 include("../simplehtml/simple_html_dom.php");   $html = file_get_html("your url"); foreach ($html->find('.logo') $e) {         $obj = str_get_html($e);         foreach ($obj->find('img') $ea) {             $logoimage =  $e->innertext;         }     } 

hope helps.
