android - How to show Status of Check Box in TextView while using AlertDialog -

how status of checkbox in textview while using alertdialog.

still trying show checked status of checkbox not getting value neither true nor false.

please see below screenshot,

enter image description here code:

textview tv1; checkbox chkios;     @override     public dialog oncreatedialog(int id) {          alertdialog dialogdetails = null;         switch (id) {         case dialog_login:             layoutinflater inflater = layoutinflater.from(this);             view dialogview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.dialog_layout, null);             alertdialog.builder dialogbuilder = new alertdialog.builder(this);             dialogbuilder.settitle("image information");             dialogbuilder.setview(dialogview);             dialogdetails = dialogbuilder.create();                              break;           }         return dialogdetails;     }      @override     public void onpreparedialog(int id, dialog dialog) {         switch (id) {         case dialog_login:         final alertdialog alertdialog = (alertdialog) dialog;             button loginbutton = (button) alertdialog                     .findviewbyid(;             button cancelbutton = (button) alertdialog                     .findviewbyid(;             tv1 = (textview) alertdialog                     .findviewbyid(;             chkios = (checkbox) alertdialog                     .findviewbyid(;               loginbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {                 @override                     public void onclick(view v) {                     savedata();                      addlisteneronbutton();                 }                                 private boolean savedata() {                                              .............                                    }                     return true;                 }                  private string gethttppost(string url,                         list<namevaluepair> params) {                      .............                     }                     return str.tostring();                 }              });              cancelbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {                 @override                                        public void onclick(view v) {                                             ...........                 }             });                   }     }  public void addlisteneronbutton() {                      chkios.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {      @override      public void onclick(view v) {          if (((checkbox) v).ischecked())              tv1.settext("true");                 else             tv1.settext("false");                 }             });         } 

chekbox.setoncheckedchangelistener(new compoundbutton.oncheckedchangelistener() {              @override             public void oncheckedchanged(compoundbutton buttonview, boolean ischecked) {                 // todo auto-generated method stub                 if(ischecked==true){                     status.settext("true");                      }                 }else if(ischecked==false){                     status.settext("false");                 }             }         }); 

edit below line

chkios = (checkbox) alertdialog.findviewbyid(; 

use code remove


this function it'll work sure. thanks.
