c# - Simple Injector - RegisterAll registration injects empty collection in constructor -

i have following factory:

public class myfactory : imyfactory {     private readonly ienumerable<imyservice> myservices      public myfactory(ienumerable<imyservice> myservices)     {            this.myservices = myservices;     } } 

i registering ienumerable<imyservice> this:

container.register<imyfactory, myfactory>();  container.registerall<imyservice>(     s in appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies()     type in s.getexportedtypes()     !type.isabstract     typeof(imyservice).isassignablefrom(type)     select type);  container.verify(); 

then following results

// correctly resolves count of 4 implementations  // of imyservice var myservices = container.getallinstances<imyservice>();  // incorrectly resolves ienumerable<imyservice> count  // of 0 imyservices. var myfactory = container.getinstance<imyfactory>(); 

why factory cannot resolve collection of services?

i created following console application:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using simpleinjector;  public interface imymanager { } public interface imyfactory { } public interface imyservice { }  public class mymanager : imymanager {     public mymanager(imyfactory factory) { } }  public class myfactory : imyfactory {     public myfactory(         ienumerable<imyservice> services)     {         console.writeline("myfactory(count: {0})",             services.count());     } }  public class service1 : imyservice { } public class service2 : imyservice { } public class service3 : imyservice { } public class service4 : imyservice { }  class program {     static void main(string[] args)     {         var container = new container();          container.register<imyfactory, myfactory>();          container.register<imymanager, mymanager>();           container.registerall<imyservice>(             nd in appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies()             type in nd.getexportedtypes()             !type.isabstract              typeof(imyservice).isassignablefrom(type)              select type);           var mymanager = container.getinstance<imymanager>();          console.writeline("imyservice count: " +              container.getallinstances<imyservice>().count());     } } 

when run it, outputs following:

myfactory(count: 4) imyservice count: 4
