in windows store project have .jpg files in assets folder. how can dynamically .jpg files folder?
i've tried:
storagefolder folder = await storagefolder.getfolderfrompathasync("ms-appx:///assets/"); var filelist = await folder.getfilesasync(commonfilequery.defaultquery);
must work somehow (with different commonfilequery) not working me. (system exception @ line 1 - wrong path name).
second question: how test if assets folder contains "movie.mp4"?
thank you!
you can use directory.enumeratefiles(sourcedirectory, "*.jpg", searchoption.alldirectories);
question 2:
you can use file.exists(filepath);
edit per comment, found this uses getfilefromapplicationuriasync
instead of getfolderfrompathasync
storagefolder installedlocation = windows.applicationmodel.package.current.installedlocation; var files = installedlocation.getfolderfrompathasync("assets");
q2 seems can use
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