How to create a tooltip over cell in Struts2 display:column? -

i have long text display in struts2 display:column. thus, truncate since it's not important. how decorate each of cells regular html tooltip (title/alt) when cursor positioned on cell? way still display complete text user on demand.

could extend display:column tag?

<display:column sortable="true" property="codeidentification"  /> 


ok, used table decorator, encapsulates text (codeidentification) span , title attribute. i.e.

<span title="xxx">codeidentification</span> 


you may define decorator in display:column tag.

<display:table name="datapage" id="process" export="false"                 decorator="com.mysite.decorator.codestringformatter"                 requesturi="datalist.action"                sort="list"                pagesize="30"                > 

of course, in decorator class need create getter method. in case getcodeidentificatin()

that job. sufficient.
