i'm using node-mongodb-native driver mongodb write website.
i have question how open mongodb connection once, use in collection name users in user.js
, collection name posts in comment.js
i want open db connection in db.js
insert / save data users , posts collection
currently code,my db.js
var db = require('mongodb').db, connection = require('mongodb').connection, server = require('mongodb').server; module.exports = new db( 'blog', new server('localhost', connection.default_port, {auto_reconnect: true}) );
i used db.js
in user.js
var mongodb = require('./db'); function user(user){ this.name = user.name; this.password = user.password; this.email = user.email; }; module.exports = user; user.prototype.save = function(callback) {//save user information //document save in db var user = { name: this.name, password: this.password, email: this.email }; mongodb.close(); //open mongodb database mongodb.open(function(err, db){ if(err){ return callback(err); } //read users collection db.collection('users', function(err, collection){ if(err){ mongodb.close(); return callback(err); } //insert data users collections collection.insert(user,{safe: true}, function(err, user){ mongodb.close(); callback(err, user);//success return inserted user information }); }); }); };
and comment.js
var mongodb = require('./db'); function comment(name, day, title, comment) { this.name = name; this.day = day; this.title = title; this.comment = comment; } module.exports = comment; comment.prototype.save = function(callback) { var name = this.name, day = this.day, title = this.title, comment = this.comment; mongodb.open(function (err, db) { if (err) { return callback(err); } db.collection('posts', function (err, collection) { if (err) { mongodb.close(); return callback(err); } //depend on name time , title add comment collection.findandmodify({"name":name,"time.day":day,"title":title} , [ ['time',-1] ] , {$push:{"comments":comment}} , {new: true} , function (err,comment) { mongodb.close(); callback(null); }); }); }); };
you can connect once, , reuse many times want:
var mongodb = require('mongodb'); var events = require('events'); var event = new events.eventemitter(); var access = new mongodb.server(host, port, { }); var client = null; new mongodb.db('your database', access, { safe: true, auto_reconnect: true }).open(function (err, c) { if (!err) { client = c; console.log('database connected'); event.emit('connect'); } else { console.log('database connection error', err); event.emit('error'); } }); exports.get = function(fn) { if(client) { fn(client); } else { event.on('connect', function() { fn(client); }); } };
and reuse it:
var db = require('./db'); var items; db.get(function(client) { items = new mongodb.collection(client, 'collection'); }); // anywhere in code db.get(function() { // items.find({ ... });
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