Performance Advantages in Storing Documents as JSON in MarkLogic 6 -

if store same markup in 2 separate documents, 1 xml, other json, in marklogic 6, marklogic automatically convert json equivalent xml, , index in regard, or both stored in respective formats?

what i'm getting @ is, marklogic store documents xml, regardless, , apply json transformations json documents when queried?

if documents stored in native format, there advantage, in terms of performance, storing documents in json on xml?

below example code-snippet:

if($outputformat="json") (: result in json format :)            let $custom-config :=         let $config := json:config("custom")         return (map:put($config, "array-element-names",(xs:qname("lp:lesson_plan"),                                                          xs:qname("lp:instructional_segment"),                                                         xs:qname("lp:strand_type"),                                                                                                                      xs:qname("lp:resource"),                                                         xs:qname("lp:level"),                                                         xs:qname("lp:discipline"),                                                         xs:qname("lp:language"),                                                         xs:qname("lp:program"),                                                         xs:qname("lp:grade"),                                                         xs:qname("res:strand_type"),                                                         xs:qname("res:resource"),                                                         xs:qname("res:isbn"),                                                         xs:qname("res:level"),                                                         xs:qname("res:standard"),                                                         xs:qname("res:secondaryurl"),                                                         xs:qname("res:grade"),                                                         xs:qname("res:keyword"))),                  map:put($config, "whitespace","ignore"),                 map:put($config, "text-value","value"),                 $config)      return json:transform-to-json($finalresult, $custom-config) else (: finalresult in xml format :)             $finalresult 

on disk, marklogic stores highly compressed c++ data structures represent hierarchical trees , corresponding indexes. (ok, that’s over-simplification, illustrative nonetheless.) there 2 places developer typically interact data structures: 1) building queries , application logic 2) deserializing/serializing data , out of internal data model. today, marklogic uses xml data model (xdm) latter and, correspondingly, xquery, xpath, , xslt former. chose stack several reasons: xml @ representing both text mark-up data structures , tooling around xml mature , widespread.

having said that, json has emerged popular serialization of hierarchical data structures—the “x” in ajax. while don't have same watertight abstraction between json , marklogic’s internal data model today, provide set of tools allow efficiently , losslessly convert between json , xml data model. additionally, our rest , java apis allow store, retrieve, , query tree structures originated json without having think conversion step; apis handle in plumbing.

as performance, there little overhead converting between json , xdm representation. however, i’d expect negligible applications. real benefits of xml in expressiveness of xquery, xpath, , xslt in working data. there no widespread equivalent these in json world today.
