Why do the buttons in my window look old in C++? -

i began creating new windows application in c++, using vs 2012, , instead of using pre-made template "win32 application", started blank project , wrote window scratch.

the problem is, buttons this:

then realized needed embed manifest, no issue, put inside code:

pragma comment(linker,"\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' \ name='microsoft.windows.common-controls' version='' \ processorarchitecture='*' publickeytoken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") 

afterward, displeasure, button became equally unattractive little guy:

for reason, it's not looking how supposed to. have ideas issue might be?

postmessage , ws_border

issue might use winapi directly.
have tried sending ws_border postmessage control , set 0 ?
