ios - Apple standard settings bar icon on the Navigation Bar -

i need put settings icon on right of navigation bar , use apple's own settings icon general in settings app (the gear icon). allowed , if these icons accessible, how can them? far reach subset of apple's icons in xcode action, add, bookmarks ... undo uibarbuttonsystemitem, there no symbol resembling settings.

self.navigationitem.rightbarbuttonitem = [[uibarbuttonitem alloc] initwithimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"wantapplestdhere.png"] style:uibarbuttonitemstyleplain target:self action:@selector(selectormethod:)]; 

i can't speak whether or not usage of icons allowed. however, accessible. download 0xced's ios-artwork-extractor , run on simulator. give dump of every image bundled ios simulator run on, believe of them.
