autohotkey - How Can I Use Upside Numpad? -

i using autohotkey. this program want use left side numpad in script couldn't use it.this case important because play game , game use left side numpad,not right side. (right side numpad doesn't work in game) this leftside numpad

this code;

sendmode input  ~control::  loop    {      if getkeystate("e")  ; if statement true, user has physically released f1 key.          break  ; break out of loop.      send,{numpad8}      sleep 200      send,1      sleep 200  }  return 

any idea?

edit = don't know how can show problem. how can understand send command press left side's numpad or right side? play knight online game , can try these methods in game.code works or not.but try ?

here have keys autohotkey handles:

just change send,{numpad8} send,{1}

you can try simulate keypress way (the last time used autohotkey had it):

send, {1 down} sleep 100 send, {1 up} 

and also, can try send keystrokes directly window way:

wintitle = window title  controlsend,,{1 down}, %wintitle% sleep 100 controlsend,,{1 up}, %wintitle% 

the window title can starting characters of window. example, if window title "this game", can set window title in script "this a".
