i planning make airline system. have initialized array using initseats still throws npe error. happens when call seatchecker() bookmenu.
public void initseats(){ for(int b = 0; b < seatlist.length; b++) { initc.setname("null"); initc.setemail("null"); initc.setcreditno(0); initc.setaddress("null"); initc.setpassportno("null"); seatlist[b] = new seat('a', 0, "null", 0.0, "available", initc); } for(int d = 0; d <= 24; d++) { seatlist[d].setseatletter('a'); seatlist[d].setseatno(d); } for(int n = 25; n <= 48; n++) { seatlist[n].setseatletter('b'); seatlist[n].setseatno(n); } for(int m = 49; m <= 72; m++) { seatlist[m].setseatletter('c'); seatlist[m].setseatno(m); } for(int t = 73; t <= 96; t++) { seatlist[t].setseatletter('d'); seatlist[t].setseatno(t); } for(int q = 97; q <= 120; q++) { seatlist[q].setseatletter('e'); seatlist[q].setseatno(q); } for(int v = 121; v < 144; v++) { seatlist[v].setseatletter('f'); seatlist[v].setseatno(v); } for(int x = 0; x <= 48; x++) { seatlist[x].setsection("front"); seatlist[x].setprice(500); } for(int j = 49; j <= 96; j++) { seatlist[j].setsection("middle"); seatlist[j].setprice(250); } for(int u = 97; u < 144; u++) { seatlist[u].setsection("back"); seatlist[u].setprice(100); } } public void seatchecker(int index) { string status = seatlist[index].getstatus(); if(status.equalsignorecase("available")){ system.out.println("seat available."); }else{ system.out.println("seat not available. please pick seat."); bookmenu(); } } public void bookmenu() { int choice1 = 0; int index; system.out.println("where want seated?"); system.out.println("[1] front"); system.out.println("[2] middle"); system.out.println("[3] back"); choice1 = sc.nextint(); sc.nextline(); if(choice1 == 1){ system.out.print("choose seat number (0 - 48): "); index = sc.nextint(); sc.nextline(); seatchecker(index); }else if(choice1 == 2){ system.out.println("choose seat number (49 - 96): "); index = sc.nextint(); sc.nextline(); seatchecker(index); }else if(choice1 == 3){ system.out.println("choose seat number (97 - 144): "); index = sc.nextint(); sc.nextline(); seatchecker(index); }else { system.out.println("invalid choice. going menu."); mainmenu(); } }
null pointer exception code
exception in thread "main" java.lang.nullpointerexception @ pkg.airlines.airlineui.seatchecker(airlineui.java:132)
seat class
public class seat{ private char seatletter; private int seatno; private string section; private double price; private string status; private customer customerdetails; public seat(char seatletter, int seatno, string section, double price, string status, customer details) { this.seatletter = seatletter; this.seatno = seatno; this.section = section; this.price = price; this.status = status; this.customerdetails = details; } public customer getcustomerdetails() { return customerdetails; } public void setcustomerdetails(customer customerdetails) { this.customerdetails = customerdetails; } public char getseatletter() { return seatletter; } public void setseatletter(char seatletter) { this.seatletter = seatletter; } public string getstatus() { return status; } public void setstatus(string status) { this.status = status; } public double getprice() { return price; } public void setprice(double price) { this.price = price; } public int getseatno() { return seatno; } public void setseatno(int seatno) { this.seatno = seatno; } public string getsection() { return section; } public void setsection(string section) { this.section = section; }
probably problems 2 line :
string status = seatlist[index].getstatus(); if(status.equalsignorecase("available"))
first thing seatlist[index]
not initialized . once declare array of references :
seat[] array = new seat[10];
the array contains 10
references seat
object . need instantiate them before using them :
seat[0] = new seat();
second potential problem be, check :
replace :
to avoid nullpointerexception
in case status
p.s. please show seat
class understand problem better.
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