c# - Site Monitoring Utility can't connect to website even though site is up and working -

i have created site monitoring utility, sends http , ping request site, checks database make sure it's , ready take requests, , checks service website needs.

the problem is, utility randomly lose connection server hours @ time, no reason why.

i have run wireshark multiple times on server see if there network related, keep coming nothing. wireshark says no packets or getting dropped.

has else ever run that?

i can't post code service, contains sensitive information in it. don't think it's code, i'm having hard time figuring out be!

here code:

private void httprequest() {     foreach(string urltotest in urls)     {         bool success = false;         httpwebresponse urlres = null;         httpwebrequest urlreq = null;         bool timed = false;         stringbuilder message = null;          httpstatuscode code = httpstatuscode.unused;         string codedescript = string.empty;          (int = 0; < httpthreshold; i++)         {             try             {                 writetoowneventlog("sending http request " + urltotest, "http request", true);                 urlreq = (httpwebrequest) webrequest.create(urltotest);                 urlreq.timeout = 300000;                 urlreq.proxy = null;                 urlreq.servicepoint.connectionleasetimeout = 300000;                 urlreq.servicepoint.maxidletime = 300000;                 urlreq.allowautoredirect = true;                 urlreq.authenticationlevel = system.net.security.authenticationlevel.none;                 servicepointmanager.securityprotocol = securityprotocoltype.ssl3;                  using(urlres = (httpwebresponse) urlreq.getresponse())                 {                     if (urlreq.haveresponse)                     {                         if (urlres.statuscode == httpstatuscode.ok || urlres.statuscode == httpstatuscode.continue)                         {                             success = true;                             timed = false;                             break;                         }                     }                 }             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 if (urlres != null && urlres.statuscode != null)                     code = urlres.statuscode;                  if (urlres != null && urlres.statusdescription != null)                     codedescript = urlres.statusdescription;                  if (ex.message == "the operation has timed out")                 {                     timed = true;                 }                 else                 {                     logerror(ex);                     if (i + 1 == httpthreshold)                     {                         message = new stringbuilder("message: " + ex.message + "<br/>");                          if (ex.innerexception != null)                             message.append("inner exception: " + ex.innerexception + "<br/>");                          if (ex.source != null)                             message.append("source: " + ex.source + "<br/>");                          if (ex.stacktrace != null)                             message.append("stack trace" + ex.stacktrace + "<br/>");                     }                 }             }                         {                 if (urlreq != null)                 {                     urlreq.abort();                     urlreq = null;                 }                  if (urlres != null)                 {                     urlres.close();                     urlres = null;                 }                  gc.collect();             }         }          if (success)         {             writetoowneventlog("http request returned successful", "http request", true);         }         else         {             if (!timed && code != httpstatuscode.unused && !string.isnullorempty(codedescript) && message == null)                 emailerror("site '" + urltotest + "' httprequest returned status of " + code.tostring() + ". \n description: \n " + codedescript);             else if (!timed && code != httpstatuscode.unused && !string.isnullorempty(codedescript) && message != null)                 emailerror("site '" + urltotest + "' errored exception. httprequest returned status of " + code.tostring() + ". \n description: \n " + codedescript + message.tostring());             else if (!timed && code == httpstatuscode.unused && string.isnullorempty(codedescript) && message == null)                 emailerror("site '" + urltotest + "' httprequest returned error. no information display");             else if (!timed && code == httpstatuscode.unused && string.isnullorempty(codedescript) && message != null)                 emailerror("site '" + urltotest + "' httprequest errored exception.<br/>" + message.tostring());             else if (timed)                 emailerror("site '" + urltotest + "' httprequest timed out");              writetoowneventlog("http request failed, email sent", "http request", true);         }      }      writetoowneventlog("<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->", "http request", false); }  private void pingurl() {     foreach(string urltotest in urls)     {         bool success = false;         pingreply reply = null;         stringbuilder message = null;         ipstatus status = ipstatus.unknown;         (int = 0; < pingthreshold; i++)         {             ping ping = null;             try             {                 ping = new ping();                  writetoowneventlog("ping sent " + urltotest, "ping", true);                  string urltotest1 = urltotest.substring(urltotest.indexof(":") + 3);                 if (urltotest1.contains('/'))                 {                     urltotest1 = urltotest1.substring(0, urltotest1.indexof('/'));                 }                 reply = ping.send(urltotest1);                  status = reply.status;                  if (reply.status == ipstatus.success)                 {                     success = true;                     break;                 }             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 logerror(ex);                 if (i + 1 == pingthreshold)                 {                     message = new stringbuilder("message: " + ex.message + "<br/>");                      if (ex.innerexception != null)                         message.append("inner exception: " + ex.innerexception + "<br/>");                      if (ex.source != null)                         message.append("source: " + ex.source + "<br/>");                      if (ex.stacktrace != null)                         message.append("stack trace" + ex.stacktrace + "<br/>");                 }             }                         {                 if (ping != null)                 {                     ping.dispose();                     ping = null;                 }                  if (reply != null)                 {                     reply = null;                 }                  gc.collect();             }         }          if (success)         {             writetoowneventlog("ping received successfully", "ping", true);         }         else         {             if (status != ipstatus.unknown && message != null)                 emailerror("ping failed. returned status of " + reply.status.tostring() + " site '" + urltotest + "'. exception:" + message);             else if (status != ipstatus.unknown && message == null)                 emailerror("ping failed. returned status of " + reply.status.tostring() + " site '" + urltotest + "'.");             else if (status == ipstatus.unknown && message != null)                 emailerror("ping failed exception. <br/>" + message.tostring());             else if (status == null && message == null)                 emailerror("ping failed. no information available");             writetoowneventlog("ping failed. email sent", "ping", true);         }     }     writetoowneventlog("<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->", "ping", false); }  private void checkdatabase() {     foreach(string database in databases)     {         bool success = false;         stringbuilder message = null;         string dbname = "";         string dbserver = "";         (int = 0; < databasethreshold; i++)         {             sqlconnection conn = null;             try             {                 using(conn = new sqlconnection(database))                 {                     dbname = conn.database;                     dbserver = conn.datasource;                     writetoowneventlog("opening connection sql database " + dbname + " on " + dbserver, "database", true);                     conn.open();                     success = true;                     conn.close();                     break;                 }             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 logerror(ex);                 if (i + 1 == databasethreshold)                 {                     message = new stringbuilder("message: " + ex.message + "<br/>");                      if (ex.innerexception != null)                         message.append("inner exception: " + ex.innerexception + "<br/>");                      if (ex.source != null)                         message.append("source: " + ex.source + "<br/>");                      if (ex.stacktrace != null)                         message.append("stack trace" + ex.stacktrace + "<br/>");                 }             }                         {                 if (conn != null)                 {                     conn.close();                     conn.dispose();                 }                  gc.collect();             }         }          if (success)         {             writetoowneventlog("sql database connection successful " + dbname + " on " + dbserver, "database", true);         }         else         {             if (message != null)             {                 emailerror("cannot connect sql database " + dbname + " on " + dbserver + "<br/>" + message.tostring());                 writetoowneventlog("sql database connection failed database " + dbname + " on " + dbserver + ", email sent<br>" + message.tostring(), "database", true);             }             else             {                 emailerror("cannot connect sql database " + dbname + " on " + dbserver + ", no information available");                 writetoowneventlog("sql database connection failed database " + dbname + " on " + dbserver + ", email sent, no information available", "database", true);             }         }     }      writetoowneventlog("<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->", "database", false); } 
