magento products suddenly disappear from admin and frontend -

these few days have been adding new products. today when adding products, gone admin , frontend. give me idea how them back? in media folder, can see pictures , in mysql database, can see descriptions. how them show in admin , frontend? using magento 1.702.

how adding products using magento ui or backent coding? if adding products in coding should set admin session enabled.

mage::app()->setcurrentstore(mage_core_model_app::admin_store_id); mage::getsingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'adminhtml')); $usermodel = mage::getmodel('admin/user'); $usermodel->setuserid(1); $session = mage::getsingleton('admin/session'); $session->setuser($usermodel); $session->setacl(mage::getresourcemodel('admin/acl')->loadacl()); 

it should work!
