extjs - Layout run failed when adding `locked:true` to `actionColumn` -

i need action column locked in postion , size. therefore thought locked property add the

[e] layout run failed

error each row render. wrong or bug?

i using extjs 4.2.1

{     layout: 'hbox',     border: false,     xtype: 'container',     items: [         {             xtype: 'grid',             shrinkwrapdock: true,             flex: 1,             store: store,             minheight: 300,             title: 'test',             columns: [                 { xtype:'actioncolumn', locked: true, sortable: false, hideable: false, dataindex: 'aktiv', width: 20, items: [{                         tooltip: 'deactivate',                          handler: function(view,row,col,item,ev,rec,row) {                             rec.data.set('active',!rec.data.get('active'));                         }                      }]                 },                 // more columns             ]         }     ] } 

i unsure why getting error, don't think locked looking for.

if trying prevent user changing column width , dragging column new position, try adding following instead of locked:

draggable: false, resizable: false 


you mentioned wanted restrict user hiding column. adding following config 2 listed above:

hideable: false 

and check out documentation more config options , information. http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/api/ext.grid.column.column
