we have existing sql server stored procedure following query. need create collection of student
objects in following class design, result of query.
what best way create objects sqldatareader
using linq
note: using sqldatareader
only; no orm
select s.studentid, s.studentname, e.examid, e.examname, se.mark studentexam se inner join student s on s.studentid = se.studentid inner join exam e on e.examid = se.examid
public class exammark { public int examid { get; set; } public string examname { get; set; } public int mark { get; set; } } public class student { public int studentid { get; set; } public string studentname { get; set; } public list<exammark> examresults { get; set; } }
sqldatareader reader = command.executereader(); if (reader.hasrows) { while (reader.read()) { } }
well, wouldn't that,
i'd have 2 statements
-- student statement select s.studentid, s.studentname student s exists ( select * studentexam se se.studentid = s.student.id); -- exam statement select se.studentid, e.examid, e.examname, se.mark studentexam se join exam e on e.examid = se.examid;
then, i'd have function this,
private ienumerable<tuple<int, exammark>> getmarks() { ... setup exam command here var reader = examcommand.executereader(); while (reader.read()) { yield return tuple.create( reader.getint32(0), new exammark { reader.getint32(1), reader.getstring(2), reader.getint32(3) }); } }
then i'd have function call,
private ienumerable<student> getstudents() { var resultlookup = getmarks().tolookup(t => t.item1, t => t.item2); ... setup student command here var reader = studentcommand.executereader(); while (reader.read()) { var studentid = reader.getint32(0); yield return new student { studentid, reader.getstring(1), resultlookup[studentid].tolist() }); } }
if wanted, in 1 stored procedure , return multiple result sets.
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